La finalidad de este blogg por la que el Lic. Juan Enrique Cabrales es para poder tener una manera mas divertida de practicar el Idioma Ingles especialmente aprender a expresarnos correctamente y claro se cometieron muchos errores pero de ellos pude aprender muchas cosas que me serviran y me ayudaron a ver las cosas desde otro punto de vista.
Debo confesar que al principio se me dificulto mucho porque no soy muy buena para expresarme plasmandolo o escribiendo pero esa es una de las cosas en las que creo que me he beneficiado con esta actividad que si bien aun no es tan sencilla he podido practicar lo mucho o poco del conocimeinto adquirido.
Es una manera diferente de aprender y yo creo que ese es el problema para nosotros que muchas veces le tenemos miedo a lo desconocido sin saber que puede ser algo divertido, ilustrativo y con un impacto favorable para todos nosostros.
Creo que tengo muchas cosas que mejorar y hacer en este aspecto del idioma tengo que esforzarme mas para hacerlo con mayor eficacia .
Se que la practica sera mi mejor aliada y pues seguir intentando nunca darse por vencido es la clave del exito en todo.
martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008
sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2008
My family is the most important have.I I can feel my parents because I have instilled values that today I can put into practice in my personal life and I think now I have been a good representative of it. It is very gratifying to hear positive comments from my values more today where they have lost many values, there arise many problems in our society, but is in our hands to make the necessary arrangements for the situation we face today in the absence Securities can recover.I love my family that thanks to them I am what I am now consider myself a good person who likes to help when needed, plus I've had many happy moments that do not exchange for anything.
English speaking countries/correction
There are many English speaking countries in the world.Some are very large but others are small.The largest English speaking countries are Canada, the U.S. and Australia.
The largest area where English is spoken is Canada.It has 3,850,000 square miles, and the smallest area is Nauru. It is a very small island not far from Australia.It has an area of 8 square miles.I have many friends in Canada, but they also speak French.
Not all Canadiands speak English.French is spoken in Quebec.
Some people say that French is as easy as English, although other people believe that English pronunciation is difficult, but English grammar is easier than French grammar.
Many countries have English as their official language, about 25, but many people in other countries study English as a second language.
But what is the reason because English is an important language?Because English is very useful busines,industry and international relations.
My personal opinion about this activity it was good because the goal is improve writing and I like this opportunity for learn more and I try of I have less skills.
The largest area where English is spoken is Canada.It has 3,850,000 square miles, and the smallest area is Nauru. It is a very small island not far from Australia.It has an area of 8 square miles.I have many friends in Canada, but they also speak French.
Not all Canadiands speak English.French is spoken in Quebec.
Some people say that French is as easy as English, although other people believe that English pronunciation is difficult, but English grammar is easier than French grammar.
Many countries have English as their official language, about 25, but many people in other countries study English as a second language.
But what is the reason because English is an important language?Because English is very useful busines,industry and international relations.
My personal opinion about this activity it was good because the goal is improve writing and I like this opportunity for learn more and I try of I have less skills.
What has happened to men since they discovered fire, since they learned to grow food and raise animals, since they invented the wheel?They have studied the movement of the stars, and some of them have become good mathematicians.Some others have become carpenters,sculptors,architects and musicians.And then something happened.Some kings and priests wanted to record important events.They also wanted to communicate their ideas to people in other countries and other times.
Many writing systems were invented, but the most advanced system was Phoenician writing because it had a simple phonetic alphabet.
Many writing systems were invented, but the most advanced system was Phoenician writing because it had a simple phonetic alphabet.
lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008
There are about 2,000 different languages in the world and there are a great number of dialects.
Some languages are old, others are modern.
People spoke Latin in Rome, but today people living in Rome speak Italian. Italian is not as old as Latin. Latin is much older than Italian.
People spoke Latin in Paris but today people living there speak French. French is not as old as Latin. Latin is much older than French.
Chinese is the official language in China.
English is the official language in Great Britain, the United States,Canada,Australia and 20 other countries.
Spanish is the official language in Spain, Mexico, Central and South A merica.
Hindi is the official language in India and Pakistan.
lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008
English speaking countries
There are many English speaking countries in the world. Some are very large but others are small. The largest English speaking countries are Canada, the U.S. and Australia.
The largest area when speaking English is Canada. It has 3,850,000 square miles, and the smallest area is Nauru.It is a very small island not far from Australia. It has an area of 8 square miles. I have many friends in Canada, they speak French.
Not all Canadiands speak English. French is spoken in Quebec.
Some people said that French is as easy as English although other people believed that English pronunciation is difficult but English grammar is easier than French grammar.
Many countries have English as their official language, about 25, but many people in other countries study English as a second languague.
But why it is the reason English is a important language?
Because English is very useful in commerce, industry and international relations.
The discovery of a new continent

After the invention of Gutenberg´s printing system, history has been full of great discoveries and inventions.The most important discovery was that of the New World, the discovery of a new continent.
Gutenberg was still printing his books in Germany when a great man was born in Genoa,Italy. His name was Christopher Columbus.What was Columbus like? They say he had a long face,red hair, blue eyes and an aquiline nose. He was a very intelligent man. He studied geography and cosmography. He believed that the earth was round and he thought it was possible to reach India, China and Japan in the Far East by sailing west. He planned the journey to those rich lands.
Isabella, Queen of Castile, and her husband Ferdinand, King of Aragon gave him the money to make his journey to the Far East. On August 3rd,1492 Columbus, with his fleet of three small ships, the "Santa Maria", the "Niña" and the "Pinta", left the port of Palos, Spain and sailed to the Canary Islands.
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