After the invention of Gutenberg´s printing system, history has been full of great discoveries and inventions.The most important discovery was that of the New World, the discovery of a new continent.
Gutenberg was still printing his books in Germany when a great man was born in Genoa,Italy. His name was Christopher Columbus.What was Columbus like? They say he had a long face,red hair, blue eyes and an aquiline nose. He was a very intelligent man. He studied geography and cosmography. He believed that the earth was round and he thought it was possible to reach India, China and Japan in the Far East by sailing west. He planned the journey to those rich lands.
Isabella, Queen of Castile, and her husband Ferdinand, King of Aragon gave him the money to make his journey to the Far East. On August 3rd,1492 Columbus, with his fleet of three small ships, the "Santa Maria", the "Niña" and the "Pinta", left the port of Palos, Spain and sailed to the Canary Islands.
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